Heritage Museum
The Heritage Museum, located in the Historic Burke County Courthouse, has a permanent exhibit on the history of the Historic Courthouse and a gallery featuring changing exhibits on various aspects of Burke County history. The permanent exhibit is displayed in a room that is a representation of an attorney’s office around the turn of the twentieth century. The furniture and related items were donated by the family and friends of the late Senator Sam J. Ervin, Jr. This exhibit includes information about the North Carolina Supreme Court Justices who held summer sessions of the Supreme Court in the Courthouse from 1847 to 1862 and who, after 154 years returned in 2016 and 2018 to hold sessions.
Current Exhibit:
"The Hmong American Experience: Stories and Artifacts"
Historic Burke Foundation Inc., has collaborated with The Industrial Commons and the Roots & Routes Hmong Project to bring to you the result of a labor of love and care. This year-long exhibition is an immersive cultural experience through a collection of artifacts, on loan from local Hmong residents, and includes traditional clothes, rich textiles, musical instruments, tools, story cloths, and more.