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Enriching Our Future By Preserving Our Past


Historic Burke Foundation promotes knowledge of local culture and history through

educational programming and historic site preservation.


The seed for the formation of Historic Burke Foundation came from the Historical Buildings Committee of the Morganton Service League. The committee, headed in 1978 by Mary Adair Phifer (Mrs. Edward W., Jr.), was instrumental in getting support for the preservation of the Historic Burke County Courthouse. Within a few years, the committee had increased in size. As a result, Historic Burke Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization, was chartered in 1982. Barbara Cornwell Norvell (Mrs. Jerry T., Jr.) was elected the organization’s first president.

Historic Burke Foundation Activities



Historic Properties



Our office and Heritage Museum are on the first floor of the Historic Burke County Courthouse. Tours by appointment. Office hours are 9 AM - 2 PM Monday, 9 AM - 3 PM Tuesday - Friday. Closed on holidays. Please email us at to schedule a tour. For group tours, please schedule an appointment well in advance!


More information and  brochures:


Tel. 828-437-4104

P.O. Box 915
Morganton, NC






Suggested donation for all property tours:

$5 per adult,

12 years and under free.


Historic Courthouse hours:


9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Tuesday - Friday

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Closed on county holidays.


Tours of the

Captain Charles McDowell, Jr. House,

Quaker Meadows Cemetery, &

Erwin Family Cemetery at Belvidere

by appointment.


Please allow two weeks' advance notice.


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